Intimidation and Medical Malpractice Claims

Intimidation and Medical Malpractice Claims

One of the things that sometimes make people forego filing a medical malpractice claim is intimidation. After all, most people really have very little knowledge of medicine. This can make it seem like you might just be off base when you suspect that a doctor or a hospital treated you improperly and, therefore, was somehow responsible for some of the suffering you went through. Speaking to an attorney from a law firm like Burzynski Elder Law is a good way to resolve any questions that you have in your head, but here are some other answers that you might find useful.

Do I Have to Study a Condition to Know if Malpractice Happened?

No. You do not have to be an expert in back injuries or injury claims law firm in Canada, for example, to talk with an attorney about a surgery that you believe gave you a back injury. The attorney won’t be interested in your medical expertise. The attorney will want to know the circumstances of your story. They’ll determine whether there’s a medical malpractice claim there based on what you have to say, no matter how much you know about medicine.

Has it Been too Long to File?

If it’s still within 2 years of the date that you believe that the malpractice occurred, you can still sue. There are other circumstances where this date may be extended a bit, as well, so be sure to speak with an attorney. If you believed that a doctor caused you injury long ago, however, you may well not be able to sue them in Texas.

How Do I Pay a Lawyer?

Your lawyer may work with you on contingency. Physician malpractice claims can certainly lose, and the client shouldn’t be taking a huge risk to pursue them. The attorney, in a contingency arrangement, will not get paid unless they win the claim. This allows you to pursue the claim with minimal risk to yourself. Winning in court or via a settlement both count as winning, in these arrangements.

How Do I Proceed?

Just talk to an attorney. They’ll handle your questions for you. The worst they can say is that you don’t have a case. If you do, however, it’s something that you’ll need professional assistance with, anyway, so it’s always a good idea to talk to them as soon as possible, especially considering the fact that Texas has a statute of limitations on how long you can wait to file these lawsuits! You need to make sure you’re ahead of it.


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