Hot under the Collar? Chemical Burns in the Work Place

Hot under the Collar? Chemical Burns in the Work Place

Who is Responsible for Chemical Burns at Work?

It is an unfortunate truth, but most people have to work and, on top of that, some jobs come with a certain degree of personal injury risk. One such potential hazard is that of chemical burns. Some workers are required to work with or around dangerous substances. Some of the more common workplace chemicals are paint removers, lye, cleaning products, cement mix and battery acid, but the full list is far more extensive. There are regulations set in place for dealing with such materials, but there are times when accidents or unexpected incidents do occur and can result in a burn injury for the worker.

In the workplace, it is essential that employees are educated on the dangers of substances that they may be working with or around. They must be informed of the steps necessary to maintain safety. Chemical burns are extremely serious and often do more damage than burns from heat. According  they can cause scarring, eye damage, blindness, seizures, numbness and even death. Burns are not limited to the outside of the body; if toxic fumes are inhaled they can cause burns in the airway as well.

Health and safety rules are vital when working with dangerous chemicals. Be sure to change clothing daily and changing masks even more often than that are important steps towards a safe work environment. Special work attire such as coats, coveralls and shoes should be kept in the workplace to avoid carrying the hazardous substance out of the building and possibly injuring others. When working with hazardous substances, masks should be provided. Cotton clothing is regularly required in these types of work environments because other kinds of fabric have a high likelihood of generating static shocks, which can ignite chemicals and cause further risk.

Of course, these are fairly obvious regulations for workers who are directly working with chemicals. Shockingly though, some people who work in manufacturing or other labor jobs may be exposed to chemicals as well and be completely unaware of the potential threat. This situation is a personal injury waiting to happen. Chemical burns often occur when someone has been given inadequate instruction on how to safely deal with the substance or when someone is exposed to a harmful substance that they were completely unaware of. It is the responsibility of the employer to ensure that each employee has received proper training to deal safely with any chemicals he may come into contact with while working.

While most workplaces are safe, there are times when mistakes do occur and personal injuries result. If you have been the victim of a burn injury in the workplace and you feel that it is due to an unsafe work environment, you should contact an experienced attorney to find out your options. We have extensive knowledge in this area and would be happy to provide you with a free assessment of your case.







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