Daycare Abuse and Lawsuits

Daycare Abuse and Lawsuits

Filing a lawsuit may be one of your options if your child has been the victim of daycare abuse. Abuse in daycare can take many forms. An attorney experienced with these cases will be able to help you to make good determinations about how to proceed and if you have a lawsuit that may win.

Filing a lawsuit is never a small undertaking. First and foremost, you’ll have to have a claim that has a good chance of winning. If you work with a lawyer on contingency, you can be sure that they believe that your case has a good chance. Contingency agreements require that the attorney wins your case if they’re to get paid. If they don’t win, they don’t get any legal fees from you at all. This ensures that an attorney cannot pursue your case just to collect legal fees, even if they know it’s likely to lose.

You’ll also need to consult with your attorney about any limitations that may apply regarding filing your suit. There are states that have specific time limits on how long after the fact you can sue for daycare abuse or daycare negligence. If you’re debating whether or not to file a lawsuit, contact an attorney to see how much time you actually have to think the matter over. It may turn out that you need to make a decision faster than you thought.

A good daycare abuse law firm will be able to help you arrive at a figure for your lawsuit. This can be very difficult, of course. When your child has been abused, putting a price tag on the damages might even seem callous. It’s not. Your child—and you, in all likelihood—will probably need some counseling, at least, to help the recovery process. This is expensive. The impacts that abuse at a daycare can have on a family’s lives are considerable and seeking financial compensation for them is not only justified, it’s appropriate.

There’s no assurance, of course, that any case brought to court will win. A jury may or may not give an award. The party being sued may also opt to avoid going to court by offering you a settlement. If this is the case, your lawyer can let you know whether or not they’re offering a fair amount. If they are, you may be able to avoid going to court at all.

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