
Whether or not you choose to intervene in a car wreck that you come upon is up to you. Making that decision depends upon whether you have the training to deal with the situation and how much risk you're willing to take. There are...

If you look around, it doesn't take too long to figure out that the world is full of unsafe drugs. Even if you're talking about over-the-counter drugs, there are plenty of examples out there of medications that can have very serious, even deadly, side...

A product being recalled is not, in and of itself, a reason to sue the manufacturer. In fact, in some cases, the manufacturer is only being responsible by recalling a product that proved to be defective in some way. Provided that they managed to...

Manufacturers are responsible for the safety of the products that they put on the market. They're also responsible for the advertising for those products being accurate. When there is a problem with either, the manufacturer is sometimes vulnerable to being sued. There are basically three...

Unsafe drugs include a variety of medications. Some of them are known to pose serious risks to the health—and even life—of the patient. In some cases, the condition that the patient suffers is severe enough that doctors deem it worth it to have them continue...

Unfortunately, the marketplace is full of unsafe drugs. Even though some of these drugs aren't used for life-and-death conditions, such as would be true of insulin or chemotherapy drugs, they sometimes remain on the market with a particular type of warning. This type of...

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