Texas Highway Safety Driving Tips

Texas Highway Safety Driving Tips

Driving in the state of Texas doesn’t have to be a complicated thing as long as you follow the rules. Additionally, taking note of these tips and regulations will help keep you, as well as the other people using the road with you, safe. In this post, we’ll take a look at a few tips you may not know about in order to help you make your driving experience comfortable and uneventful.

Maximum Speed Limit

The average maximum speed limit on Texas roads ranges between 65 and 75 miles per hour. However, this figure might be higher or lower on certain roads depending on a number of factors. The most obvious tip when it comes to highway driving is to pay attention to this limit so you can avoid fines and arrest – and more importantly, to avoid an unneccesary accident.

Pay Attention to Trucks

It’s always wise to pay particular attention to trucks (18-wheelers) on the road. This is because semi trucks are responsible for a majority of the most serious accidents on our roads due to their sheer size and weight. Here are a few tips for when driving on roads that see a lot of commercial truck activity.

  • When it comes to right-hand turns, don’t squeeze between a truck and the curb. Large trucks often purposely move over one lane in order to turn right. Trucks often have to make wide turns, which can effectively pin you against the curb or even run you off the road.
  • Make sure that you have a decent and safe distance between you and the truck so that you can be seen from the side view mirror by the truck driver.
  • Trucks have blind spots; these are 20 feet in front of the truck, up to 200 feet behind the trailer and anywhere along the truck’s sides.
  • Don’t attempt to cross behind a truck that’s in the process of backing up.

Move Over/Slow Down Law

Texas law requires you to move over or slow down when you spot an Emergency Services Vehicle up ahead.  You are required to move over and give the vehicle a 1-lane buffer, or slow your speed if you’re unable to change lanes. The speed limit in such instances is 20 miles per hour lower than the posted limit. It’s important to know that due to recent changes to this law, TxDOT cars with flashing amber lights are also included.

Take Numerous Rests

If you feel yourself getting drowsy due to fatigue, pull over and take a five-minute break at one of the numerous rest areas found scattered across our state’s highways.  If you are able, you should rest for about 15 to 20 minutes to give your body and mind enough time to recharge.

Been In A Car Accident?

If you’ve been in a car accident due to another person’s negligence or carelessness while on the highway, you should get in touch with a car accident lawyer who would love to help you get appropriate justice and compensation. The compensation you’ll receive can be used for your injury treatment as well as car repairs and restoration services such as auto windshield repair or windshield replacement.

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