Why Are Unsafe Drugs on the Market?

Why Are Unsafe Drugs on the Market?

If you look around, it doesn't take too long to figure out that the world is full of unsafe drugs. Even if you're talking about over-the-counter drugs, there are plenty of examples out there of medications that can have very serious, even deadly, side effects. For example, it's been known for many years that giving young people and teenagers aspirin when they have certain ailments may result in Rye syndrome, a potentially deadly condition. If you check any modern bottle of aspirin, you'll see a warning that discloses this danger. Keeping unsafe drugs on the market is all about disclosing the danger.

Why Disclosure Matters

Patients have the right to assume a certain degree of risk in the pursuit of better health. This applies to medical procedures of all types, not just drugs. For example, there is a certain degree of risk involved with liposuction. Even though this is a cosmetic procedure, millions of people have had the procedure done to improve their appearance. They accepted the risk and, if they suffered the side effects of this procedure, the responsibility lies on their shoulders and no one else's. This isn't always the case with dangerous drugs.

Some dangerous pharmaceuticals were found to be health hazards long after they had been on the market. For example, Accutane was prescribed starting in the 1980s and for several decades beyond. It wasn't until the 21st century that it was discovered that Accutane had a direct connection to Crohn's disease and irritable bowel syndrome. There have been many lawsuits filed against the manufacturer of Accutane because of patients not having been informed of the danger of the side effects when they were prescribed the drug.

When you assume risk voluntarily, you essentially give up your right to sue somebody because of suffering the consequences of those risks. However, if there were dangers that were not disclosed to you in advance, you may well have the right to file a lawsuit with the assistance of product liability lawyers in Texas. The only way to find out is to sit down with one of these attorneys and to tell them what happened so that they can determine whether or not a lawsuit is a good option for you.

If you do have a viable lawsuit on your hands, the attorney may want to represent you in court. If they do, ask them if they will work on a contingency agreement.

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