What You May Not Know About Medical Malpractice!

What You May Not Know About Medical Malpractice!

Much as is the case with psychology, there is something of a popular understanding of medical malpractice that doesn’t quite line up with what the term actually means. Malpractice claims have to do with a doctor taking you on as a patient, accepting that they have a duty to provide you with healthcare and failing in their duty. When this is the case, patients have the right to talk to a lawyer and see if there was some sort of medical negligence involved. Medical negligence, however, is not necessarily what people like to think it is.

Imagine, for example, that you have a doctor who is downright rude. They make you feel like they’re not terribly concerned with how you’re doing and they don’t take very much time when they examine you. The first part of the problem with this example doctor is not medical negligence: it’s simply poor bedside manner. The second part, however, where they fail to take adequate time to give you a proper examination, may well lead to a form of medical negligence that is commonly the reason that people file lawsuits. Failure to diagnose lawsuits constitute almost half of the medical malpractice claims filed every year. If you’re not comfortable with your doctor, it doesn’t mean that they’re not competent.

But, if your doctor really does treat you as if you are just a number and a check to cash and doesn’t give you proper medical treatment, then they very well may be negligent if you suffer a medical condition because of that. If you told them that you felt lightheaded, for example, and they told you to just cut down on the coffee and then you ended up having to go to the ICU because it turned out you have high blood pressure, they may well have failed you in their duties as a doctor. This is where lawyers come in. Medical malpractice attorneys can represent you if a doctor’s negligence has led to you suffering an injury. Whenever a doctor doesn’t do their best to make sure that you have healthcare that you can rely on, you may be looking at a medical negligence case. The only way to find out for sure is to talk to an attorney. Some attorneys work on contingency, so you don’t have to pay them unless you actually when the claim that you file. Medical malpractice medical malpractice attorneys

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