What are Product Liability Lawsuits Filed Over?

What are Product Liability Lawsuits Filed Over?

Product liability lawsuits are filed over numerous different types of defects and the damage that they cause. Just to give you an idea of what people have sued over in the past, the list includes:

  • Defective cars
  • Defective electronic devices
  • Defective medications
  • Defective hardware
  • Defective toys

These lawsuits have some features in common that you need to understand. The products also met at least one of the following criteria:

  • It was designed defectively
  • It was manufactured defectively
  • It was advertised incorrectly

At least one of those three criteria has to be met about the defective product. The product also has to have cause real harm—physical or financial—in order for someone to sue over it. The damage has to be able to be quantified in terms of cash for someone to file a lawsuit, as well.

Filing the Lawsuit

The defective products attorney will sit down with you and determine whether or not you have a case that's worth filing. If you do, they'll need to help you come up with a figure that covers your damages. This figure can include your physical pain and suffering, reimbursement for lost property, reimbursement for medical expenses and lost wages and reimbursement for the money that you spent on the product. The law firm will help you to assess all of this damage and to come up with a realistic figure to file for.

When you do go to court, your lawyer will have to convince the jury that you were wronged by the company. The company will obviously have representation of their own, so you'll want to make sure that you have good representation for your claim. If the claim pays out, you could end up receiving significant compensation.

If you were injured by a product that you were using according to the manufacturer's directions and that didn’t perform as advertised, considering a lawsuit is an option. If you're on the fence about it, contact an attorney to see how much time you have to think about the matter. There are oftentimes limitations regarding how much time you have to file a lawsuit after the fact. These lawsuits can sometimes take a while to try, as well, so you'll want to get started as soon as possible to make an effort at getting compensated for being wronged by the company and their product.

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