Student Plummets from 4th Floor Dorm Window

Student Plummets from 4th Floor Dorm Window


A student fell from a fourth floor window at Bowling Green State University, triggering an investigation. The incident occurred last year, when the dormitory had just been opened. The dormitory is a five floor building, and the fall took place around three o’clock in the afternoon, according to reports by Fox Toledo.

The student was listed in good condition when he was brought to the hospital. This particular building, according to the reporting, has two section windows. Students are able to open up the smaller section of the window to get air into the dormitory. To ensure the safety of the students, it may be advisable for the university to Find reliable window replacement contractors in Houston or a trusted local area to assess the windows and make any necessary improvements.

Dangerous Buildings

Whether or not the building itself presented a danger remains to be seen in this case, there are certainly plenty of incidents that happen every year when people end up being injured because they were in an unsafe building of some sort. These include instances when people take tumbles down stairways that are slippery and dangerous, when they walk on floors that are dangerous and end up slipping and falling and, in cases such as this, where they may end up taking a fall out a window or off the balcony.

Following one of these incidents, the investigation sometimes reveal shortcomings of the building and, in other cases, they may reveal that the person who was injured was actually completely at fault for what happened to them. These investigations may take a great deal of time to complete, and there may be multiple investigations required if insurance companies and lawyers get involved.


Sometimes, the people who were injured end up filing premise liability lawsuits over these incidents. These lawsuits allow them to hold the property owner or whatever other party applies responsible for whatever type of negligence was exhibited that ended up causing someone to come to harm.

Negligence may be exhibited in the form of not adhering to building codes, not providing proper safety equipment – such as stair railings, etc. – or not adequately removing trip hazards or leaving wet floors unmarked. These accidents are oftentimes serious. Many people die every year from slip and fall accidents onto hard surfaces. If you believe that a building owner was negligent in providing you with a safe environment, you may want to consider contacting an attorney about filing a lawsuit for compensation. There is limited time to act in these matters, so contacting an attorney immediately is always the best option to choose.


2525 McKinnon Street
Dallas, Texas 75201

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