Spring Weather and Slip and Fall Injuries

Spring Weather and Slip and Fall Injuries

Slip and fall injuries become significant hazards during the springtime. In some areas, a mix of mud, water and sometimes sleet and snow create a very dangerous situation on certain types of flooring. Some of the most dangerous floors, in this regard, are found in restaurants and retail establishments. The owners of these establishments have a responsibility to make sure that their floors are reasonably safe for their customers.

If you happen to be injured because you take a spill on the floor at a retail establishment, know that you do have the option of hiring a personal injury attorney to represent you in court. These attorneys will take every case. In fact, many of them will offer you a free consultation where you can sit down with them and discuss your case and determine whether or not it's worth pushing forward with a lawsuit. If the attorney does determine that it was the fault of the store owner and that there was negligence involved, they may want to take your case. There are ways that you can have them take your case without having to pay any upfront legal fees.

In some cases, an attorney may offer to represent you on a contingency agreement. This means that they’re staking their pay on their ability to win your case. If they don't win your case, the attorney doesn't get paid and you walk away without owing them anything. If they do win your case, however, their legal fees will come out of the jury award or settlement.

A settlement is a way that you can avoid having to go to court to have your case heard. In some cases, the store owner's insurance company will be convinced that you're going to win your case and will come forward and offer you a sum of money to avoid having to go through the process of the trial. This enables them to avoid the expenses of a trial and, conveniently enough, it also allows you to avoid paying the expenses of going to trial.

There are cases where it’s likely that a jury would not find in your favor, particularly if you were engaging in dangerous behavior that was really the source of your injury. However, if you believe that you have been the victim of negligence on the part of a store owner, contact a personal injury lawyer to explore your options.

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