Sometimes Employers Stonewall About Workplace Injuries

Sometimes Employers Stonewall About Workplace Injuries

Sometimes Employers Stonewall About Workplace Injuries

If you were hurt in the workplace and you’re facing a situation where your employer refuses to knowledge that you are hurt or refuses to knowledge that they are responsible for your injuries, you are in a situation that is all too common. Some employers will try to shirk their responsibilities to their employees by not adhering to proper reporting requirements for workplace injuries, by not paying compensation when it is due and by trying to harass, cajole or even bully an employee into not saying anything about an injury that they suffered.

Reporting Injuries

There are some procedures that you can follow to make certain that your workplace injury has the best possible chance of being recorded and dealt with appropriately. If you’ve already been injured, you may want to think back to try to determine whether you actually did any of these things, as the information you gave may prove helpful if an employer’s trying to deny that you were injured on their workplace.

The first thing you need to do if you’re injured at the workplace is report it to your supervisor. You need to file an accident report immediately. If they fail to file an accident report, persist in asking them to do so and, if they do not, you can contact your local OSHA office to report the problem.

Make sure you keep track of any witnesses to the accident and, whether you are filing a formal report or keeping notes because your employer refuses to do so, write down the names of anyone who witnessed the accident. If somebody is willing to add detail to what they saw, take it down.

Be wary of employees who try to clean up the site of an accident right away. This is a way that employers can destroy evidence of an accident. You may also notice that they tried to retroactively conform to safety regulations that they may have avoided, which may have led to your accident. For instance, if you were working on a dangerous table saw and injured yourself, you may come in the next day to find out that a guard has finally been installed on that saw. Make a note of this.

Sometimes, an attorney can provide work injury help. If your employer is trying to obstruct you from getting an accident investigated and getting compensation, having an attorney may persuade them to take care of the situation properly and, if they do not, you may be able to sue them.


2525 McKinnon Street
Dallas, Texas 75201

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