Nursing Home Abuse and Wrongful Death

Nursing Home Abuse and Wrongful Death

Sometimes, abusers can end up causing the death of their victims. In nursing home settings, the patients are more vulnerable to perishing in this way than are patients in other settings. Age, weakened immune systems and extended recovery times from minor problems make elderly people a very high-risk population for being killed from being abused.

Sometimes, there are signs that somebody is being abused but they go unnoticed. In instances where the abuse extends to overmedicating elderly individuals to make them easier to deal with or actual physical or sexual abuse that causes the risk of bodily harm, the abuse may be allowed to go on for far too long because the elderly individual is unable to lodge a credible complaint against their abusers. Abusers know to seek out patients who have dementia, Alzheimer’s and other conditions that make them unreliable witnesses and take advantage of that. In some cases, this is how the abuse goes on until the victim actually perishes.

If the nursing home allows this type of abuse to go on without intervening, they may be found to be liable for negligence. If this is the case, an attorney may be able to argue in court that the nursing home should rightfully pay the family of the deceased individual due to the breach of trust, the pain and suffering the family has endured and the care that the family paid for that was never delivered to their loved one. There may be other circumstances that apply that form the basis for other parts of a lawsuit, as well.

If you suspect that there is some sort of abuse going on in a nursing home where a loved one of yours is given care, make sure you investigate that suspicion. You may want to have their physician take a look at them to determine whether there are any physical signs of abuse on their body. You should also be on the lookout for signs of mental abuse that maybe present in your loved one’s behavior.

Abuse in nursing home environments has the potential to do grievous harm to the people who endure it. If you believe that you have the basis to file a nursing home abuse neglect lawsuit, contact an attorney. The attorney will be able to sit down with you and give you their opinion as to whether or not it would be worth it for you to go ahead and file your lawsuit.

2525 McKinnon Street
Dallas, Texas 75201
(214) 747-HELP (4357)

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