Medications and Medical Malpractice

Medications and Medical Malpractice

Medical malpractice sometimes takes the form of doctors handing out the wrong medications to treat a condition. There are also cases, however, where there are other factors to consider that may involve suing someone other than the doctor themselves. Here are some things to keep in mind.

Was it the Wrong Drug or a Dangerous Drug?

If a physician gave you the wrong drug and it caused you harm, it might be a case of medical negligence. If the drug itself was dangerous, however, you may be looking at a potential dangerous drug case. There are some drugs that have gotten onto the market that proved to be very dangerous after having been used for a long time. If you’ve been treated with such a drug, it may not be the doctor’s fault.


There are cases where a physician may end up negligently prescribing a drug that is known to conflict with one that you’re already on. If this happens, you definitely should speak with a Dallas medical malpractice lawyer. Remember, however, that you have to have been harmed in order to file a lawsuit for medical malpractice. The fact that you could have been harmed is not enough.

Ongoing Treatments

In some cases, you may find that a drug was prescribed negligently after you’ve been on it for a long time. In such cases, you need to be sure that you speak to an attorney soon. There are limitations on how long you have to file a lawsuit and there are variations on how that time period is determined to have begun. In other words, the clock may have already been running for a long time on your lawsuit by the time you get around to contacting an attorney. Call one right away to find out if you still have time to sue.


If the attorney decides that you have a good claim on your hands, they may want to represent you. Don’t let legal fees dissuade you. You can get an attorney to work on contingency and this allows you to proceed without paying any upfront legal fees. The attorney will work out their rates with you beforehand and you will be made aware of what the charges will entail.

A good attorney may help you to recover your financial losses from an improper drug treatment. It happens to people all the time and meeting with an attorney for a consultation is always advisable.

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