Golf Course Case Gives Insight Into Premise Liability

Golf Course Case Gives Insight Into Premise Liability


Ask most people what premise liability is and the likely response will involve a scenario such as slipping and falling in a retail establishment. Premise liability actually involves more than this, however. A recent settlement between a 42-year-old golfer and Legends Golf Holdings LLC in South Carolina illustrates this point. According to a press release, the golfer was playing at the Pawley's Island Heritage Club when he slipped and fell on a bridge on the course. He sustained serious injuries, including an injury to his knee and two herniated discs in his neck. The settlement, according to the press release, amounted to $400,000.

Inside and Out

So, what is premise liability? Premise liability describes a property owner's responsibility for the safety of the people on that property. It concerns itself with negligence. When a property owner is negligent, they may end up injuring someone through unreasonable actions or inaction. The idea behind premise liability law is to give the people who are injured a legal recourse that allows them to seek damages. In a Texas court system, the civil courts provide a way to get material compensation for material damages.

The golfer in South Carolina ended up requiring surgeries to deal with the conditions caused by his slip and fall. Victims of slip and fall accidents that are the responsibility of the property owner oftentimes end up suing to cover their medical expenses. After all, they did nothing to bring the injury on themselves, therefore it makes no sense for them to have to pay for the costs of those injuries on their own, either. Personal injury attorneys generally handle these claims and shepherd the lawsuit through the court system.

Bringing Lawsuits

The South Carolina settlement also illustrates one of the possible outcomes of these cases. In a lawsuit, the defendant generally has the option of presenting the plaintiff with a voluntary settlement amount designed to help the plaintiff cover their costs and, additionally, to allow both parties to avoid paying for court fees. This generally happens if the case against the defendant happens to be very strong.

People are injured in slip and fall incidents all the time. The injuries, such as the case of the South Carolina golfer, are sometimes very severe. In addition to medical expenses and pain and suffering, the people who suffer these injuries sometimes end up being out of work for a long period of time and suffering other financial hardships.

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