Common Causes of Big Rig Crashes

Common Causes of Big Rig Crashes

Big rig crashes are far too common occurrences on America’s highways. These vehicles have the potential to do so much damage that there is a host of regulations designed to make them safer for everyone on the road, including the drivers of those rigs. Unfortunately, some companies decide to cut corners on safety. The consequences of doing so can be deadly. At the very least, the consequences of these actions oftentimes involve serious injuries and damage to property that is far too expensive for those in the path of semis to pay for themselves.

A big rig collision is usually not something that happens in a vacuum. There are generally causes that lead up to it and they oftentimes have to do with companies trying to save a bit of money by skimping on safety. If this is the case, those companies may be liable for the damages they’ve caused you. Remember that an attorney is the only one who knows this for sure, and you’ll have to consult with one before you can be sure whether or not you have a case. Oftentimes, this consultation is free and you can explore your options with them without committing to filing a case.

In many cases, bit rig accidents are caused by the road conditions at the time. One of the most terrifying of all accidents is a jackknife. In this scenario, the trailer passes the front of the semi, resulting in it folding in half. These crashes are some of the most deadly involving semis. If you’re near a semi in slippery conditions, give them extra room so that you’re not caught up in such a wreck. Remember that the driver doesn’t even know you’re there if you can’t see their mirrors.

In the worst case scenarios, a wrongful death lawyer may be your only recourse. Unfortunately, the massive weight and the high speeds of these vehicles can make them very deadly. If you’ve lost someone in such a wreck, or if you’ve suffered injury to your body or your property, be sure to contact an attorney to see what your options are. You may be able to pursue your case without paying any upfront fees if you work with a lawyer on contingency. This means that they only get paid if they win a settlement or a jury award for you, otherwise you pay nothing.

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