Can I Sue if a Product Was Recalled?

Can I Sue if a Product Was Recalled?

A product being recalled is not, in and of itself, a reason to sue the manufacturer. In fact, in some cases, the manufacturer is only being responsible by recalling a product that proved to be defective in some way. Provided that they managed to do it before anyone suffered any financial or physical harm, they probably won't be liable for damages due to the product. There are cases, however, where a product you use being recalled is certainly reason to consider speaking with an attorney.

Defective Products Attorneys

Defective products attorneys represent people who were injured because a product was improperly manufactured, designed or advertised. In some cases, the defects in these products cause them to be recalled long before they cause any damage to anybody. This is not always the case, however. There are many different ways that a product can cause damage to somebody. It's not always physical.

There have been several coffeemakers over the years that have been recalled from the market because they pose a fire hazard. If you own one of these coffeemakers and if it caused damage to your property, you may have a chance of winning a jury award or settlement by filing a lawsuit against the manufacturer. This is because, when using the product as directed, you suffered real and objectively measurable harm. If you did not suffer any harm, you may not be able to sue.

You have to speak with an attorney to determine whether or not you have an option to sue the manufacturer. Most of this will depend upon how you were injured. In order to file a lawsuit, you have to be able to establish a concrete amount that you want to seek as a jury award. If you can't break on your damages and two dollar figures, you probably won't have a lawsuit on your hands.

Speak with a defective product attorney if you believe that you have been the victim of an unsafe product. Whether you have a question about unsafe drugs or some other product that ended up bringing you to harm, damaging your property or even causing death, speaking with an attorney is advisable. Most of them offer free consultations, so you won't have to pay anything if you don't need their services. The only way to determine if you need their services, however, is to sit down and speak with them about the matter.

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