50 Year Sentence in Daycare Abuse Case

50 Year Sentence in Daycare Abuse Case

A Spartanburg, South Carolina woman has been sentenced to 15 years in prison over six counts of committing or attempting to commit lewd acts on children under the age of 16. The woman worked at a daycare center in 2010 and, according to reporting in several sources, she abused the children in the bathroom. Some of the facets of this case should be telling to anybody who has reason to suspect that daycare abuse is going on.

Out of the Way Places

Many abusers will make an effort to isolate children so that they can abuse them. This simply provides the abuser with opportunity. Once the abuser has the child isolated from other children and from any supervision by the staff, they're free to conduct their abuse. One of the things you want to look for in a good daycare facility is an environment where it is very difficult to isolate children from one another or from the rest of the staff.

Sadly, a great deal of daycare abuse is sexual in nature. Abusers will sometimes shame and sometimes intimidate children into not saying anything about the abuse. When they are able to isolate children to keep them intimidated, it's even easier for an abuser to keep on with what they are doing.

Multiple Victims

Many daycare abusers will have multiple victims. Before background checking daycare workers became as convenient as it is today, some abusers managed to go on for years abusing children without ever being caught. Today, this is much more difficult to do. Nonetheless, it is possible for an abuser to move from town to town abusing children and leaving before anybody catches on to what they are doing.

When daycare facilities fail to adequately background check their employees, they may sometimes be held accountable for negligence in court. Sometimes, an attorney will be able to argue successfully on behalf of a client who is suing a daycare center over this negligence. If the case is successful, it may result in a jury award or a settlement for the family. This money can be used to help the child recover from what they have been through and can help the parents to pay for daycare at a good facility.

Going after a daycare facility requires a lawyer who understands these cases and this area of the law. Make certain that you're working with an attorney who has experience in these matters.


2525 McKinnon Street
Dallas, Texas 75201

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