How Hypoxia Occurs

How Hypoxia Occurs

If you’re considering filing a birth injury lawsuit, you’ve probably heard the term hypoxia. Hypoxia is one of the most common causes of injuries that occur during the process of being born. Unfortunately, it’s also easily avoidable, in some situations, but ends up causing a child to suffer, nonetheless.

What It Is

Hypoxia simply means a lack of oxygen. It commonly occurs when a child is strangulated in some way while they’re being born. Sometimes, the umbilical cord will become wrapped around the child’s throat and sometimes the child will suffer because some sort of force was used to remove them from the birth canal. This isn’t the same as choking, which occurs when something obstructs your airflow from the inside of your body; choking on food, for instance.

Some other conditions can lead to hypoxia. For instance, a problem with the uterus can cause this condition. If the child should have been delivered by a C-section but was not, it might lead to the child suffering from hypoxia due to birth difficulties.

Why It Happens

Hypoxia sometimes occurs without any effects, provided it is addressed in time. Doctors have sophisticated tools to help them keep informed of the condition of the fetus. The medical staff, of course, is also supposed to help with this monitoring. When there is a problem and it is not addressed in time, the child may suffer devastating injuries due to the lack of oxygen.

It’s not hard to understand how this happens. Even if a healthy adult is deprived of oxygen for too long, brain damage is a very real threat. In children, this lack of oxygen sometimes leads to the brain injuries that cause cerebral palsy symptoms and other effects. Children sometimes suffer hearing loss, poor vision, mental impairments and other conditions because of being deprived of oxygen during the process of being born.

A Dallas medical malpractice firm can help if your child was injured due to hypoxia during the process of being born, in some cases. The attorneys will have to be able to establish that negligence was the cause of the child suffering the injuries and that there could have been actions taken or avoided that would have prevented those injuries from occurring. Attorneys who work on these claims will usually be willing to meet with you for a free consultation, where they can determine whether or not you have a claim worth filing.


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Dallas, Texas 75201

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