Bicycling Safety Tips

Bicycling Safety Tips

Safety on the road applies to all people that use it, including bicycle riders. It’s estimated that more than half a million cyclists are injured on the road every year.

Bicyclists are supposed to follow the same rules and regulations as other motorists; this means that they should ensure that they’re always aware of other vehicles and drivers. Here are a few things that you as a bicyclist can do to ensure that you stay safe on the road.

  1. ALWAYS wear a helmet while on the road. It’s often legally required, and even if not, it doesn’t matter – do it! Research shows that helmets reduce the risk of head injuries arising from an accident by 85 percent. That is no small number! At the same time, you should ensure that the helmet is a snug tip to ensure maximum protection.
  2. Do not cycle at night if you can avoid it. If you must, say off of the streets when possible, wear reflective gear, and ensure that you have a bright headlight and rear-facing light. Even during the day, you should make sure that you’re wearing bright and reflective clothing so that other motorists can see you from a distance. High visibility markedly reduces your chances of being in an accident. In case of an accident, contact a bicycle accident attorney to help you file a claim and seek compensation for your injuries and/or property damages.
  3. Don’t get distracted by loud music. Never use earbuds or headphones. If you have to listen to music, turn it down to a point where you can still hear what’s happening in your surroundings.
  4. Signal appropriately at pivotal places such as turns and intersections. This will alert other drivers and let them know your intentions so they can make adjustments for you.
  5. Don’t ride against traffic.
  6. Maintain your bike every so often to ensure that it’s always in the best condition. A well-maintained bike is a happy bike, and it lessens your chances of being in a road accident.
  7. it’s always a good idea to ride defensively. This means that you should always be alert while on the road which will help you react appropriately in case of anything.


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