Why Don’t ALL 18-Wheeler Trucks Have Dash Cameras?

Why Don’t ALL 18-Wheeler Trucks Have Dash Cameras?

With the amount of damage an 18-wheeler can impose in an accident, why are trucking companies still hesitant to spend $100 on a dash camera?

Although it seems as if 18-wheelers serve no other purpose than adding to your aggravation level, 18-wheelers are actually a very important role in today’s society. Commercial trucks (e.g. 18-wheelers, big rigs, tankers, semi trailers, tractor trailers, etc) carry the world’s goods from place to place, crossing from state to state and often even crossing continents. Doesn’t sound like much but if 18-wheelers stopped doing their job it would affect many companies, industries, and even interfere with you buying the things you need and enjoy.

The Danger

Although the truckers are performing an important job, 18-wheeler trucks are (of course) still involved in car accidents every day; most more serious than not. It is not unlikely that somebody involved in the accident will be killed or will end up in the hospital with some kind of serious injury. These days you would think ALL trucks would have a dashcam installed, but you’d be wrong!

It would make everybody’s job a whole lot easier if 18-wheelers had a dashboard camera (or road cam) installed in their vehicles. If you plan to Purchase a Truck, consider installing a dash cam in your truck. Obviously, the best part about having video is that is gives everyone an objective look at exactly what happened in the accident. This way, there are less ridiculous claims made by the defendant insurance company (they’ll still try as many as they can). And no one has to reconstruct the accident based on limited information. Most importantly, it will be necessary to have reliable auto and commercial truck insurance policy in times like these to cover medical expenses, repairs, etc.

Don’t Be Fooled By Their Tricks

Many times, trucks DO have dashcams, but will tell you that they do not! If you’re ever in a truck accident and they claim there was no dashboard camera in the truck, DO NOT TAKE THEIR WORD FOR IT! You can avoid being taken advantage of by simply having an attorney send the defendant what is called a “spoliation of evidence” letter in order to prevent to trucking company from destroying any evidence – including dash camera footage. When you get into a trucking accident, you can consult experts like a Fed ex truck accident lawyer.

Trucks are always going to be a potential danger on the roads, but by equipping their fleet with cameras, trucking companies can help everyone. While we’re on the subject, I’d recommend investing in a dash camera for your personal vehicle as well.

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